Love Like the Full Moon Ep. 1

6 ratings

Love Like The Full Moon

Episode 1: His Name is Jericho

Mid day, the listener is handling their normal job, working their shift at an empty diner, it’s boring for the most part, considering that there’s no customers to ask for anything...that is until the sound of a motorcycle pulling up is heard, and they see a man enter the shop, lighting a cigarette and taking a drag of it, only to exhale with a shaking breath.

Jericho: coffee…

His voice is a bit deep, scratchy even, most likely from the cigarettes, it seems he’s a heavy smoker.

Jericho: You got a problem with staring? I need a coffee, hurry up!

A bit sharp tongued too. The listener pours him a cup of coffee.

Jericho: Finally...thank you.

He finishes his cigarette and starts to drink his coffee.

Jericho: You really got a thing with starin’ at people...what, do I scare you or somethin’?

He lets out a faint chuckle.

Jericho: I’m pullin’ your leg girl, relax. I don’t come out here much...but if anything, I think I’d come back here just to see your eyes. Not gonna lie, I’d get a bit more agitated if I didn’t like the look of your eyes. Have you been here all morning? Shame...pretty thing like you shouldn’t stay here all gonna head off soon? I’ll do you a favor and take ya home.

He takes another drink of his coffee.

Jericho: My name? Jericho. Pretty dark name I know, mom gave me the name, I didn’t ask for it. I’m pretty sure your name is better, pretty girl like you is bound to have an even prettier name. Though...I bet giving you a nickname might be about...Angel. You like that?

Another chuckle.

Jericho: Why don’t you wrap up, I’ll be here when you’re all set.

-bit of a time skip, the listener is clocking out-

Jericho: Heh, even cuter without the apron. C’mon, let’s get ya home, ya look tired.

-sound effects of a door opening and closing, then a motorcycle-

Jericho: Take the helmet, I don’t need it, been ridin’ for a good part of my life, I’ll be fine. Just hang on tight okay? I won’t get mad if you squeeze too much. ‘S a joke, just laugh with me. Let’s get movin’.

-motorcycle driving-

Jericho: How far out do you live? Don’t you think it’s a bit sketchy that you live out here and you work all the way out there? You know some real boogeymen can come out at night right? Maybe you need some kind of big strong help. Heh...another joke.

Jericho pulls into the driveway of the listener’s home, taking his helmet back.

Jericho: There you go, safe and sound. It’s a bit convenient too...I come out here often...I ah...I like the woods. You know, serene, ever just sit down and hear the river? The kinda stuff that puts you to sleep...but ah, what am I talkin’ your ear off for, go ahead and get some sleep. See ya ‘round, okay? Take care.

Jericho starts his bike up again, and heads off, waving to the listener. The listener heads inside, and starts to crash, it’s been a long morning.

By the time they wake up, it’s late in the evening, almost nightfall. But they recall what Jericho had said, he hangs around in the woods, maybe he’s out right now!

The listener heads into the woods. -running river sfx, leaves crunching- It’s just as calm and serene as he said, and just as the listener thought, he’s there, but he seems to have dozed off. The listener taps his nose, and almost quickly his eyes open, realizing the time.

Jericho: Huh? Oh shit how long was I out...what time is it...huh? Angel what’re you doing out...hold up...what time of day is it...oh shit...shit you gotta go.

He stands up, starting to push the listener away.

Jericho: Don’t worry, I just gotta get you home before it gets too dark...nothin’ is wrong I just…

Jericho stops, feeling a sharp pain.

Jericho: Shit...just...just leave without me...what? Hospital? No...just...just pulled a muscle...just head on...head on out…

Jericho practically falls over as the sun sets. The listener walks over to check on him but he quickly pushes her back.

Jericho: I don’t need a damn doctor!! Just...just go…! Before somethin’ happens...I don’t want you to...shit…!

Jericho panics, his body shaking as he starts to change, a few sharp yells of pain as his body starts to change, fur covering his body, teeth elongated and becoming something monstrous. The listener can hardly believe what’s happening, it’s enough of a fearsome sight that she passes out.

They wake up feeling something...gentle, but fluffy all at once, she sees the monster that nearly makes her panic, but before she can scream, he presses his forehead against hers. His voice is deeper, but audible.

Jericho: Don’t’s...still me...didn’t want you to see me like this...sorry…

The listener calms down hearing his voice, it’s calming to know that he has some humanity in him. But they’re surprised when they’re suddenly carried.

Jericho: You go’s late…

Jericho rushes them home, it’s faster than normal, but once she’s home he sets her down.

Jericho: ...You don’t have to...see me anymore...I’m scary...I know I am…

The listener hugs Jericho.

Jericho: What...what are you...doing…? You don’t...feel scared…? Weird weird...just...get inside...go to bed...please…

Jericho backs away, and runs into the woods again, leaving the listener alone for the night. She’s unsettled, but she heads to sleep regardless. In the morning however, they’re surprised to see Jericho sitting in the chair nearby.

Jericho: Yo. I came back...don’t know why you wanted me to stick’re probably someone into danger...but it’s not bothering me...I feel a bit surprised that I’m actually wanted for I thought on it...and I decided...I’ll stick around here with you. So…

He approaches the listener, pressing his forehead against hers.

Jericho: ...Lemme stay here, we could probably make somethin’ nice out of it...yeah…?

Jericho gently kisses the listener.

Jericho: Yeah...sounds good Angel…

--End of Episode 1--

Written by and art by: Full Script (Written by 401):

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Love Like the Full Moon Ep. 1

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